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“Why hasn’t my house Sold?” Here is why… 

“Why hasn’t my house sold?”

6 hot interior trends (30)

Your house is for sale and your progress of an actual sale is not forthcoming, you are getting the same old story – viewers saying it’s not for them, which is leaving you disappointed and frustrated. If you are constantly checking your phone that never rings then it’s time to take charge.

There are lots of things you can do to make changes. The first step to turning things around is to ask an expert (or two) for their advice regarding price, presentation, marketing and the property market.


Let’s look at the factors that could be affecting the saleability of your home:

1. Presentation – A beautifully presented home will set you head and shoulders above the competition. First impressions are vital, it’s easy to get your rooms in order and everything tidy while neglecting the outside, this is the first thing your buyer will see so get your front garden in shape!

How about hiring a home stager to help with the presentation issues, you might love your collection of teddy bears, but not everyone will. By staging your home you are allowing buyers the chance to think about making their own use of the space.

Compare your home to others on the market and buy home magazines to compare your décor and presentation to the homes you see in there. This should give you ideas of the latest trends.


2. Marketing & Advertising – Try a fresh set of new marketing. Look at the photography, are the best part of your home showcased? Unique features should be shouted about, it gives your home a story. The images should be well-lit and flattering. Look at your brochure, does it have an accurate floorplan, description that avoids “agent speak”? What about how your property is marketed in the window of the agent, does it stand out? There are so many ways you can market a property especially with everything now being online, there are other ways of advertising your property instead of just on property portals, how about a 360 virtual tour or being promoted on social media?

Have a chat with your agent and discuss all the ways they can market your property, if you are not satisfied then consider changing your agent.


3. Viewings – Keep in contact with your agent, make sure you know every detail of the viewing whether it is positive or negative. You can learn from the viewings you have, if something keeps coming up like an unpopular carpet choice, with this feedback you are able to make a change for improvement. The sooner you know why they didn’t want to buy your home, the quicker you can improve it for the next viewer!


4. Estate Agent – How would you rate your agent’s commitment to selling your home? Are they keeping in contact with you after each viewing? Have they used all the functions that they offer to market your home? Once your home goes on the market it can be scary, it can be one of the most stressful events in anybody’s life but be aware that estate agents are as motivated as you are for your sale to complete.


“Why isn’t my house selling?”




Download the Home Saleability Checklist here:

Home Saleability Checklist

You can rate your estate agent and your home! This will give you a clearer insight to why your home is not selling, it will help you pinpoint what you need to do to make a change.


Worried about Presentation?

If you struggle with presentation, we offer a home staging service that can offer honest and practical advice. See the before and after photographs of two properties we recently Let and Sold.

home saging

home staa

We help people find their perfect home and would love to share with you some thoughts on why you might not have had a successful offer so far. We’ve helped thousands of homeowners over the twenty six years to sell sometimes very difficult homes, and maybe we can help you too!

We would love to hear from you.

The team at Alexanders.

