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Star Wars Inspired Homes

Star Wars Inspired Homes

Happy Star Wars Day

May the 4th be with you….

Star Wars may have taken place a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away but whether you’re a wannabe Jedi or just love the series, we thought we would share with you some Star Wars inspired homes from around the world.

1. Millenium Falcon Mansion – Australia

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2. Tatooine-esque Domed Earth House – Switzerland

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3. Escape Pod Motel – Malaysia

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4. Sandcrawler House – South Korea

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5. Jedi Training Camp – South Carolina

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6. Death Star Cabin – Catskills, NY

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7. Endor Ewok Tree House – Bali, Indonesia

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8. Tatooine Sand House – Egypt

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9. Hoth Chalet – Switzerland

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10. Chewbacca’s Tree House – Costa Rica



We hope you enjoyed that! If you would like to chat to any of us about properties, feel free to get in touch!

