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Plastic Straws BANNED

The last straw….


Across the country plastic drinking straws will be GONE. There is set to be an announcement within a few months to try stop the huge environmental damage that plastic straws cause. I can see already that some of the chains and local businesses around Aberystwyth have already enforced this and swapped their plastic straws for something more environmentally friendly. This has been in brought to the attention from Turn the Tide on the Plastic campaign – where they revealed over an estimated 8.5million plastic straws end up in the bin every year.

The Breakdown

Each one can take up to 500 years to break down causing the straws to be ingested by wildlife and end up in the food chain.

From our beach clean that took place at the end of February there were bags and bags of plastic, and straws being in the top ten of what we collected in the clean up operation.

Blue Planet

It was the shocking scenes in the documentary Blue Planet II that showed the damage they cause, Sir David Attenborough is also on board to stop the damage caused by plastic to the animals and beaches. The whale carried her dead newborn around for days reluctant to let it go – it was suggested that the newborn has been poisoned by its mothers polluted milk. Animals are eating the plastic we are throwing away causing it to part of the foodchain.

Getting rid of the plastic straws is another step towards ending the plastic choking our animals and killing them. Since the 5p charge on plastic bags that has been less damage.

Stamping them out is another step towards ending the needless plastic choking our oceans and killing our precious marine wildlife. More needs to be done, but like the ban on plastic bags before it, this kind of action is needed to end plastic suffocating our lives and our seas.’ The decision follows the success of the Mail’s groundbreaking Banish The Bags campaign, which led to the introduction of a 5p charge on single-use carrier bags.

Did you see our beach clean with Aberystwyth Beach Buddies?

Alexanders teamed up with ABB, Surfers against sewerge and Baravin to keep our lovely prom clean! It was a fantastic turn out with over 40 volunteers!




Our prom is one of the attractions in Aberystwyth, to keep the visitors coming and community going we shall be doing regular beach cleans! You can help too!

Keep an eye out on our facebook page for updates on our events and community involvement.

Is there anything you would like us to help and get involved in? Please do get in touch!
